Studying in the USA: Which Accommodation to Choose?

Are you planning to study in the USA? In this article, we are going to talk about the most common accommodations for those who are going to do High School in the country, to help you choose the best option for you to live during the period of your studies. Let’s go?!

Types of Accommodation to Study in the USA

There are different types of housing for young people who are usually between 14 and 19 years old to live during the period of their High School exchange in the United States.

We have separated the most chosen options, for you to analyze which one is better, according to your profile, the time you will stay in the USA, the school, among other factors.


Living in the home of a local, native-born family or one who has lived in the United States for many years is a very common housing option for young people who are going to study in the U.S. for high school.

There is a rigorous selection of host families. They are willing to receive them and, in return, receive a financial amount to cover their expenses.

This option offers some advantages, such as:

  • Accelerate the process of learning English more easily, with daily contact with local citizens at home;
  • Socialize with the citizens of your city;
  • Have security in the family environment;
  • Have your privacy and your own room;
  • Have the possibility to have meals with the family;
  • Get to know the local culture better;
  • Pay (usually) less than other types of accommodations;
  • Live close to the school where you will be studying.

Shared Apartment

Those who have been in the United States for a longer time usually choose to live in a shared apartment. That’s because you already know the place and its facilities.

This is a good option for those who like to have more freedom than in university dormitories, to interact with students of other nationalities and to have fun.

By choosing to share a flat with other students, you can have your own room and share other rooms in the house, such as: kitchen, bathroom, living room and balcony with your classmates.


Student housing is a type of accommodation offered by some exchange programs. In it, accommodation is provided at the school and the environment is managed by the school.

In this type of accommodation you can usually choose to have a private or shared room. In most cases, the rooms are doubles and the student must share the room with another foreigner. The other common areas of the house are shared among students living in the accommodation. 

It is worth noting that this option is not luxurious, but it is comfortable. A bedroom usually has a bed, desk and closet. In addition, it is possible to make use of a laundry room and a cafeteria, depending on your accommodation. 

Among the main advantages of accommodation are the rules of coexistence and established schedules, the cost is more affordable than a family home, especially if the room is shared, the possibility of interaction between different students, of different nationalities, and the proximity from school. 

Hotels And Hostels

Hotels and hostels are more tourist-oriented and more expensive options. But they can be alternatives for those who will spend a short time on  exchange in the United States  (up to 1 month) and want to have comfort during this period. 

We wrote an article with tips on how  to save money during your exchange in the USA . It is worth checking!

Documents Required to Study in the USA

Generally, it is necessary to present the following documentation to study in the United States:

  • Passport valid for at least 6 months;
  • Student visa;
  • Letter of acceptance from the school;
  • School records from the last 3 years;
  • Proof of intermediate level in English – generally, at least level B2 (which is intermediate) is requested;
  • Photo;
  • Round-trip tickets;
  • Health insurance.


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