Study in the United States with a scholarship: undergraduate, master’s and doctorate

An Organization of American States (OAS) program in partnership with Colorado State University is offering several scholarships to study in the United States . The opportunities are at different levels of study (undergraduate, master’s and doctorate) and aimed at students from OAS member countries.

All courses at the institution are covered by the scholarship. They have different durations – graduation: 4 to 5 years; master’s degree: 1 to 2 years; PhD: 5 years or more. The MBA Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship has a specific scholarship with different benefits than other programs.

What are the OAS and CSU scholarships like?

Scholarships to study in the United States at Colorado State University include one-third of the tuition for undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees. Those who apply for the scholarship also have an exemption from the admission fee. The maintenance of benefits throughout the course depends on the scholarship holder’s performance. The MBA program offers a scholarship of 50 thousand dollars to the best selected candidate.

The program does not include visa-related fees, health insurance, travel or university materials.

Requirements to participate in the OAS program

Among the requirements to study in the United States, the candidate must have a letter of acceptance from CSU and be from an OAS member country. Anyone who has already received a scholarship from the organization cannot participate.

Regarding the requirements of the university and each course, interested parties need to check the institution or department’s website.


How to apply to study in the United States at CSU

Deadlines for applying to study in the United States vary depending on the course and also the time of year. Applications for undergraduate courses in the fall semester close on June 1st.

Regarding master’s courses, deadlines vary greatly depending on the department. In any case, for the fall semester the notice opens in September. In the spring semester, applications can be made from February onwards.


To apply for scholarships, the deadlines are as follows: December 1st in the spring semester and June 15th in the fall semester. Applications for MBA scholarships in entrepreneurship and social impact can be made until December 1st. The documents required to apply for the benefit are:

  • Copy of passport or identity;
  • Letter of acceptance from CSU;
  • Copy of academic or high school transcript (if not originally in English, the document requires a sworn translation);
  • Copy of high school diploma, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree (according to the desired level of study);
  • Two letters of recommendation (preferably one from a teacher and one from a professional);
  • Dois essays / personal statement
  • Resume in English);
  • Certificate of proficiency in English (proof of training at an English-language university or school for more than 5 years; TOEFL test (ITP 570, iBT 79) or IELTS 6.5 or equivalent.
  • Proof of sufficient additional resources to cover expenses not included in the scholarship (IR declaration, bank statement, letter from employer, letter from another scholarship).

All documents must be gathered into a single PDF file of no more than 5 MB. The application is online and after receiving the acceptance letter from CSU, the candidate must send a copy by email to .

Scholarship selection criteria to study in the United States

Selection will be based on the candidate’s merits, including academic and professional background. Candidates whose essays demonstrate the greatest potential for impact upon return to their countries will be highly evaluated.

In addition, geographic distribution is also taken into account, as is gender equity.

If you have any questions, you can write to with the subject “OASCSU Scholarship Program”.

About Colorado State University

Colorado State University (CSU) is one of the most important higher education institutions in the USA. In total, it offers more than 150 study programs, considered among the best in the country. The areas of research on infectious diseases, agriculture, cancer, sustainability and clean energy are especially well recognized.

The institution sets out to address local and global issues and offer an enriching learning experience that combines theory and practice. The campus is located in the city of Fort Collins, at the base of the Rocky Mountains. There are around 25 thousand students, of which more than 2 thousand are foreigners from 94 different countries.

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