Study abroad in the USA: everything you need to know

The United States is one of the most chosen destinations for students. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about studying abroad in the USA: the main advantages of studying in the country, the types of exchange and how to do an exchange in the USA. Check!

Why Choose The USA: Advantages Of Studying In The Country

The United States is one of the best countries for exchange in the world. And there are many advantages to choosing the USA to do an exchange. So, below, we have listed the main reasons why the country is a good option for students.

  1. Universities of excellence

American universities are at the top of the best educational institutions in the world in major educational rankings, such as the QS 2023 ranking. Some of them are: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, Harvard University, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), among others.

The structure of the institutions is of a very high level, the professors are renowned and a lot of importance is given to the participation and cooperation of the students during the class.

In addition, foreign students have the possibility of winning full scholarships to universities in the United States.

  1. Fluency in English

When studying in the United States, students practice English both on campus and in their daily lives, interacting with different people in different situations.

Contact with the language becomes even more frequent, mainly due to the fact that many students reside within the campus or in accommodation that is linked to the university. In this way, the experience of doing an exchange in the USA becomes even more real. They eat in canteens, walk around campus, talk to classmates, and experience the university environment. And so, they share the activities related to the study and other informal moments, such as walks and trips to tourist attractions.

As a result, language fluency and linguistic knowledge happen in a natural and more fluid way.

  1. Cultural diversity

As studying in the United States is a world reference, there is a great and intense cultural diversity in the country, with different types of behaviors, customs and routines. There are many multicultural students, from different countries around the world, in addition to the Americans, who are a very diverse population, with varied styles.

In general, the population is receptive and shows interest in learning history, culture, as well as the language of foreigners and their respective countries.

  1. Technological reference

The United States is a benchmark in the field of technology in various sectors. The country is among the most innovative countries in the world, according to the 2022 Global Innovation Index (GII). Companies such as NASA and the Silicon Valley Company, for example, which have a great global impact, are headquartered in the country.

Therefore, the opportunity to get to know these places and to interact with successful professionals from these companies makes the learning experience in the area even more remarkable – and this also contributes to the improvement of your curriculum.

  1. Advantages in the job market

Those who do an exchange program in the USA have many advantages when it comes to applying for a job vacancy and consolidating their career abroad (or even in Brazil).

This is because the student experiences a new culture, becomes fluent in English, studies at a university of excellence, has contact with several people from all over the world (consequently increasing their network), has the possibility of interning in world-renowned companies, etc.

  1. Living in one of the world’s largest economies

The United States is a world power and has the largest economy in the world as of 2023. Therefore, the exchange student has the opportunity to enjoy the excellent human development index (HDI: 0.926 – UNDP 2019), high investments in education, in addition to excellent urban mobility.

  1. Variety of courses for international students

There is, in the country, a great diversity of educational institutions and a lot of investment in education and research. Therefore, the options for specific courses for students, both national and international, are endless.

For example, it is possible to take a course that is not very well known, such as neuroscience, without the need to previously attend an entire degree in psychology or medicine. The university prepares the student for the job market that is of interest to them, that is, it is more focused on the student’s goal.

  1. Full-time higher education

Those who have the goal of graduating faster can participate in classes in one hundred full-time courses.

  1. Getting around made easy

Municipalities in the United States are well connected to each other. Getting around is made easy both in cities such as New York, Orlando, and Miami (on the East Coast), as well as in the cities of San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles (on the West Coast).

There is great availability of flights, trains and highways that connect the cities. Also for this reason, many exchange students usually go on road trips.

Thus, students can enjoy the classes and still get to know other regions through the variety and efficiency of U.S. transportation.

See also which are the best cities for studying abroad in the United States.

  1. Fun

Fun is another great advantage of studying abroad in the USA. Walt Disney World, Central Park, Times Square, and museums are just a few examples of what you can do during your free time in the United States!

What Types Of Exchange Can I Do?

There are several types of exchange programs you can do in the United States, such as:

Work And Travel Exchange

In the Work and Travel exchange, young people work on a paid basis during their holidays.

Au Pair Exchange

In the Au Pair exchange, the exchange student lives and works in the home of a host family and, in return, receives salary, housing and food.

High School Exchange

The High School exchange is a multicultural program, usually for young people between 14 and 19 years of age. In it, the exchange student attends a semester, an academic year, or even complete high school in the United States.

Exchange Of Technical, Undergraduate, Graduate, MBA Or Master’s Degree Courses In The USA

The exchange of technical, undergraduate, graduate, MBA or master’s courses in the USA has a professional or academic focus. These courses are ideal for those who want to pursue an undergraduate or graduate degree at a university in the United States and specialize in their field.

Language Courses

Language exchange courses are recommended for students to learn or improve the language through a course at a language school in the country.


Volunteering basically works as an exchange. Generally, the student works for a Non-Governmental Organization or philanthropic institution and, in return, receives aid and benefits, such as housing, food and transportation, for example.

Internship And Trainee

In these two types of exchange, the exchange student works as an apprentice or intern in a company in the United States for a certain period.

Professional Exchange

In the professional exchange, the exchange student trains English with technical terms of the job market.

How To Do An Exchange In The USA?

First, financial and psychological planning is necessary to study abroad. In addition, it is essential to check which type of exchange fits your goals and expectations.

You also need to check with your chosen institution what the selection criteria are for the program you have chosen and the documentation required for your application.

A valid passport is required to enter the United States. And, with the acceptance letter from the school or university in hand, you must apply for your U.S. visa. To obtain a visa, you must complete the proper form and submit it to the .


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